Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Recently I've been playing with applying ink to a non porous surface like plastic. These two were me playing about with different compositions and textures. I am sorry though, it's quite difficult to take pictures of something on a reflective surface.

As well as these I did one really big one, about 122 by 90cm.
This isn't the whole work, it's no and easy piece to photograph, It is intended to be displayed on a light box, but hear a window has to do.
Also, in interest of getting rid of the backlog of work that has built up and not been documented, here is a painting based on the Trevi Fountain, in Rome. its done in acrylic on card,

I would like to apologies for the poor quality photo.

I'v neglecting this a bit, but hear are some ink drawings that were done from sketches that I did in life drawing. In the session I decided I wanted to portray the figure with as few lines as possible, inspired by Matisse, to simply try and create the outline subject, and in doing so engaging he viewer to create the rest of the figure. I had fun doing these, but the inking took a while, because I had to do about 30 of them to get the lines right :P.


Friday, 24 October 2014

The time came to take photographs for my human form. Inspired by the artist Zsolt Bodoni, I wanted the figures to be floating, suspended in space and floating unnaturally in the environment. So I did some initial sketches of the kinds of shapes I was looking for to translate them to the model.
After the sketches were finished me and my friend went to get the photos taken, and these are the polished results.

For me, the photos complete the specification, they all have a sense of floating unnaturally in the space with a sense of not belonging to it.


Friday, 17 October 2014

So my new project is to work on the human for, and one specific inspiration of my work is Man Rays "le violon d'ingres". here is a copy I did in matte acrylic and a photograph of my friend, in an attempt to modernise the image and bring it more up to date.

Matte Acrylic on Card


Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Plus, some cool photography I found for my last project of a ballet dancer friend of mine.


So I have been lacking slightly for a while, BUT! I found a load of my older works that are not on here yet, and I have started a new project which is producing some more work, which should be up soon, requiring that I remember.


"Guy Denning copy" - charcoal

"life drawing" - charcoal

"self portrait" - charcoal

"hannah" - charcoal

"skull" - biro

"skull" - chalk pastel

"skull" - charcoal

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

I'm getting back into this now, here are some monotypes I did taking inspiration from Nicole Coson.

Monday, 19 May 2014

So, I seem to be neglecting this blog quite abit, hopefully we are back online. So I was satin the church yard today, because I was stranded in town, so I began sketching, result after about twenty minutesish.


Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Updated version of my Ukraine sketch

"Ukraine sketch" pen and water on paper

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

here is a pice that iv'e done recently on the confict in ukraine, the subject matter was taken from a newspaper, and i decided only to pick out the faces in pen and water.
pen and water on paper

Monday, 17 March 2014

working on some new pieces right now which will be done soon, but for now here is one of my pieces from my last unit. its anoher one of my purple paintings loosely inspired by Nathan Ford.

"Sula in purple" oil on card

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

About two months ago, I was asked to do some illustration work for an american publishing company, I was asked to re illustrate a story, all smiles, in a book of short stories called red caps written by Steve Berman. check it out, it's a good read.


Monday, 3 March 2014

I would like to use this opportunity to plug my brother’s comic book that he writes with his flatmate and old uni friend. It’s called end of the rainbow and is about a guy that owns a gay bookshop in canal street, Manchester. It follows six or seven main characters, and tells their story of how they interact with the people around them, and is a very accurate depiction of the homosexual lifestyle. Honestly, it’s well worth a read, and is funny and moving a the same time. Hey could use the support.

Havent posted in a while, woopth. But here is my sketch book from when I was in Venice a couple weeks back


Monday, 24 February 2014

I have finished my final peice for unit 1 (eventually) this is the panting that this blog is named after, it is named after my freind Georgia, and is oil on board. It was inspired by an artist called Nathan Ford.

"fear of purple" oil on board.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

I thought I better put this picture up as well, in my school part of the curriculum is to copy a chosen artists work, I have chosen an artist called Nathan Ford (check him out, he's really good), so this is a copy of his work... but, when I printed it out it discoloured, and I didn't realize until I had finished... so... PURPLE IT IS!

"Nathan Ford artist copy"

So, I was in Venice last weekend on an art trip with school, and whilst I was there, my teacher was looking through my sketchbook that I had with me and suggested to me that I should start a blog. SO HERE I AM! "Porphyphobia" or the fear of purple. I have ad no blogging experience, so i am just getting used to this, but I hope I will get the hang of it and be able to post some alright stuff. HOPE YOU ENJOY!

p.s. as this is the first post, I am trying by best with grammar and spelling, but I can guarantee they will deteriorate as I stop caring

"Laura in purple" (messed with a little on photoshop)