Friday, 24 October 2014

The time came to take photographs for my human form. Inspired by the artist Zsolt Bodoni, I wanted the figures to be floating, suspended in space and floating unnaturally in the environment. So I did some initial sketches of the kinds of shapes I was looking for to translate them to the model.
After the sketches were finished me and my friend went to get the photos taken, and these are the polished results.

For me, the photos complete the specification, they all have a sense of floating unnaturally in the space with a sense of not belonging to it.


Friday, 17 October 2014

So my new project is to work on the human for, and one specific inspiration of my work is Man Rays "le violon d'ingres". here is a copy I did in matte acrylic and a photograph of my friend, in an attempt to modernise the image and bring it more up to date.

Matte Acrylic on Card


Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Plus, some cool photography I found for my last project of a ballet dancer friend of mine.


So I have been lacking slightly for a while, BUT! I found a load of my older works that are not on here yet, and I have started a new project which is producing some more work, which should be up soon, requiring that I remember.


"Guy Denning copy" - charcoal

"life drawing" - charcoal

"self portrait" - charcoal

"hannah" - charcoal

"skull" - biro

"skull" - chalk pastel

"skull" - charcoal